Sorry about how shakey the second closer up one turned out. I don't have anyone helping me because America really sucks in that regard, and I only have one hand and a brain injury. I still haven't figured out how to use the zoom function on my fancy expensive new camera in Dragonframe, and trying to hold the smartphone in the same position through 24 shots with an amputated hand and a brain injury is a bit difficult. If I would've had help I could've produced much better results, but I'm stuck in America, so forced to do what I can without assistance. Which I think still was a rather good result, but would've been a lot better if we didn't have such an a-hole society. I'm certain I'll figure out a way to suspend the camera in a fixed position above the drawings eventually, necessity is the mother of invention after all. I think that's the American attitude that justifies our a-holeness: adversity breeds resilience, so watching the crippled handicap struggle and overcome makes me stronger, even though my life could ne much, much better with the help and care I'm always finding myself deprived of.
Very impressive!